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734 bytes added ,  17:06, 12 December 2020
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<cd:parameter name="before">
<cd:paramdoc>for contains any commands that you would like to do prior to placing the initial. This parameter is empty by default. For example, to insert 2 big space before placement of the initial,
<cd:constant type="cd:command"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="distance">
<cd:paramdoc>is the horizontal distance which initial line(s) of the paragraph should be indented beyond the space needed for the letter. It defaults to 0pt, and it can be negative. Another description can be "offsets the following text" , or "distance to the following text"</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:dimension"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="hoffset">
<cd:paramdoc>is the distance to the left (into the left margin) that the initial should be shifted from its default position. This defaults to 0pt. Another description can be "shift the initial horizontally, on the "left" (positive value) or on the right (negative value)"</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:dimension"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="voffset">
<cd:paramdoc>is the distance downward from its default position that the initial should be shifted. This defaults to 0pt. Another description can be "shift the initial vertically, down (positive value) or up (negative value). 
Value 0pt gives a "top" alignment.</cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant default="yes" type="line"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="color">
<cd:paramdoc>which defaults to the current color, for example <code>color=darkred</code></cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:color"></cd:constant>
<cd:parameter name="font">
<cd:paramdoc>font specificationwhich defaults to boldface scaled to the number of text lines that the initial occupies, for example <code>font=Bold at 32pt</code></cd:paramdoc>
<cd:constant type="cd:font"></cd:constant>

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