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Taco moved page Environment/MPinclusions to Command/startMPinclusions over a redirect without leaving a redirect
== [[Help:Reference|Syntax]] (autogenerated) ==
== [[Help:Reference|Syntax]] ==
== Example ==
The following example defines a create_wave macro that is then used for the page background.
input boxes vardef create_wave = path wave; vardef my_metapost_fun wave := (expr var0, 0);   % Number of bezier points along the wave. wave_resolution :=20;  % Number of full wave cycles. wave_cycles := 2;  for x = 0 step (1 / wave_resolution) until 2 wave_cycles: wave := wave ..(x, sin( x * pi )); endfor;  % Return the path wave enddef ;
path wave;
wave := create_wave;
draw wave xyscaled( 60, 20 ) withpen pencircle scaled 1mm;
\input knuth
\input zapf
\input knuth
== Multiple Inclusions ==
To use multiple {{cmd|startMPinclusions}} that should be combined, use ''[+]''. For example, the following code will fail because the second inclusion overwrites the first:
path a ;
a := (0,0) -- (1cm,0) ;
Use ''[+]'' to appended the second inclusion after the first:
path a ;
a := (0,0) -- (1cm,0) ;
== See also ==

Navigation menu