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< Command
Revision as of 16:51, 26 November 2012 by Esteis (talk | contribs) (D'oh, forgot close tag)



{...} name under which the graphic will be known


Define code for a MetaPost graphic. The graphic is compiled once, and can be reused multiple times with \reuseMPgraphic.



  fill fullcircle scaled 20pt withcolor \mycolor;

red: \reuseMPgraphic{name}

blue: \reuseMPgraphic{name}


The command is not very suitable for defining an overlay overlays that must vary in width:

	fill unitsquare
		xyscaled (\overlaywidth, \overlayheight)
                % `uniformdeviate` 1 produces a random number between 0 and 1
		withcolor (uniformdeviate 1, uniformdeviate 1, uniformdeviate 1);


\framed[background=beta]{rather wide}


See also

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