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Add an example showing the use of 'compact=last'.
In a caption (and probably other places), {{cmd|type}} can cause errors if it
contains active characters (<tt>|</tt> for example). You can use
<texcode>\type{...}\type{|}\type{...}</texcode> as a workaround, since the first character is not expanded.
With options \type[option=TEX]{\ConTeXt\ colouring}
</context></cd:example><cd:example title="Preserving some spaces needs more work"><context source="yes">
In some cases spaces disappear unless you do a bit more work. For example, notice the missing space here: \type{\someCommand [option]}.
The following usage preserves that space: \type[compact=last]{\someCommand [option]}.
<cd:source file="buff-ver.mkiv" originator="system"></cd:source>
<cd:wikipage originator="system" page="Category:Verbatim"></cd:wikipage>
<cd:commandref name="starttyping"></cd:commandref><cd:wikipage page="Verbatim text"></cd:wikipage></cd:seealso>


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