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1,956 bytes removed ,  22:31, 27 December 2020
simplified thanks to Hans' feedback
\definecolor [ColorHighB] [h=602217]
\definecolor [ColorLow] [0.8(white)]
picture tt ;
tt := lmt_outline [
kind = "fillup",
text = "\definedfont[name:texgyrepagellabold*default]%
{MetaPost\\is Fun !\\Aujourd'hui\\Today\\*§ 2020 §*}",
] xsized 12cm ;
path bb ; bb := boundingbox tt;
path pp ; pp := bb enlarged 2cm ;
fill pp
withshademethod "linear"
withshadedirection (2.,0.)
withshadecolors (\MPcolor{ColorHighA}, \MPcolor{ColorHighB});
picture Paddmissing; Paddmissing := nullpicture;
picture Pwoletters; Pwoletters := nullpicture;
numeric testwithin ;
for i within tt :
if stroked i or filled i :
testwithin :=0;
for j within tt :
if stroked j or filled j:
if (((xpart llcorner i) > (xpart llcorner j)) and
((ypart llcorner i) > (ypart llcorner j)) and
((xpart urcorner i) < (xpart urcorner j)) and
((ypart urcorner i) < (ypart urcorner j))) :
testwithin :=1;
if testwithin == 1:
addto Paddmissing contour
(pathpart i)
withcolor \MPcolor{ColorLow};
addto Pwoletters contour
(pathpart i)
withpostscript "collect";
fi ;
endfor ;
addto Pwoletters contour
withpostscript "evenodd"
withcolor \MPcolor{ColorLow};
draw Pwoletters ;
draw Paddmissing ;
fill pp
withshademethod "linear"
withshadedirection down(2.,0.) withshadecolors (red\MPcolor{ColorHighA}, blue\MPcolor{ColorHighB}) ;
for i within tt :
nofill pathpart i;

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