Revision as of 06:50, 8 August 2020 by The Keeper (talk | contribs) (additions; поля is plural for "margin"; singular is поле)
Let's try to collect and translate a lot of typographical terms...
Please add English terms in alphabetical order. Fill the "ConTeXt" column if ConTeXt uses a different term or for a link. The Description should be rather short (feel free to enhance existing ones). Add translations with an uppercase language code in alphabetical order of that code, separated by commas.
English | ConTeXt | Description | Translations | |||
German | French | Dutch | Russian | |||
baseline | the "line" on which letters without extenders seem to stand | Grundlinie | ligne de pied/ligne de base | basisregel | базовая линия | |
baseline skip | the space between two lines of text, from baseline to baseline | Zeilenabstand | interlignage | interlinie | интерлиньяж | |
body (text) | continuous text | Fließtext | texte courant | broodtext | основное содержание | |
body font | the font used for most of the text | Grundschrift | police de labeur | broodletter | ||
bold | \bf | font style | (halb)fett | gras | vet | полужирный |
caps | uppercase letters | Großbuchstaben / Versalien | grandes capitales | kapitalen | прописные буквы | |
cover | "wrapping" of the book content | Umschlag | couverture | omslag | обложка | |
en | the width of an n (font dependent), half an em | Halbgeviert | demi-cadratin | halfkwadraat (?) | ||
en dash | --
A dash of width 1 en | Halbgeviertstrich / Gedankenstrich | tiret sur demi-cadratin | короткое тире | |
em | the width of an m (font dependent) | Geviert | cadratin | kwadraat / concordans (?) | ||
em dash | ---
A dash of width 1 em | Geviertstrich | tiret sur cadratin | kastlijntje | тире |
file | Datei | fichier | bestand | файл | ||
font | A collection of glyphs used to represent text | Schrift | fonte | lettertype / font | шрифт | |
font family | a number of font faces (often 4) that are designed to be used together | Schriftfamilie | police d’écriture/police de caractères/police | |||
font "super family" | collection | several font families that are designed to work together, e.g. Serif, Sans and Mono, like Computer Modern | Schriftsippe | Famille de polices | ||
gothic fonts | old font style, where curves are broken into straight lines | Gebrochene Schriften / Frakturschriften | fractures/gothiques | |||
grid setting | grid | typesetting text, keeping lines on an (invisible) fixed "grid", i.e. lines are at the same position on every page | registerhaltiger Satz | registre/grille | geregistreerd (zetwerk) | |
header (text) | header text | Kolumnentitel | en-tête | koptekst | ||
hyphen | -
a short dash, used to join compound words | Trennstrich / Divis | trait d’union | afbreekstreep | дефис |
hyphenation | splitting a word over multiple lines, and the rules for doing so | Silbentrennung | coupure de mot/division | afbreking | перенос | |
image processing | Bildbearbeitung / EBV | traitement d’image | beeldverwerking | |||
imprint | metadata in a print product (publisher, ISBN etc.) | Impressum | métadonnées / données bibliographiques | |||
index | \index | Register | index | register | предметный указатель | |
initial | a large letter (usually 2-3 lines high) that starts the first word of a chapter or section | Initial | lettrine | initiaal | буквица | |
italic | \it | font style | kursiv | italique | cursief | курсив |
gutter | margin where the book gets bound | Bundsteg | переплёт | |||
line | Zeile | ligne | regel | строка | ||
lowercase | \word, \words | Kleinbuchstaben / Gemeine | bas de casse | onderkast | строчные буквы | |
margin | Rand | marge | marge | поле | ||
oldstyle | \os | number style for body text, numbers have proportional width and are mostly x-height size | mediäval | (chiffre) elzévirien | ||
page | Seite | page | pagina | страница | ||
page number | Seitenzahl / Pagina | folio/numéro de page/pagination | paginanummer | номер страницы | ||
page style | makeup | A page layout with special headers, footers, and text placement like e.g. a title page | aufbau | opmaak | ||
perfect binding | book pages are glued to the cover | Klebebindung | dos collé | клеевое скрепление | ||
(printing) press | the machine that prints the ink on the paper | Druckmaschine | presse | drukpers | печатный станок | |
printshop | company/workshop for printing | Druckerei | imprimerie | drukker | типография | |
process colors (CMYK) | the four printing inks used in professional printing | Prozessfarben | quadrichromie | processkleuren | основные краски (голбая пурпурная жёлтая) | |
quote, quotation | a piece of text by another author | Zitat | citation | citaat | цитата | |
quotation marks | \quote, \quotation | punctuation which enclose quotes | Anführungszeichen / Gänsefüßchen | guillemets | aanhalingstekens | кавычки |
sans serif (font) | \ss | font without serifs | Serifenlose (Schrift) / Grotesk | linéale/grotesque/police sans empattements/police « bâton » | schreefloos (font) | (шрифт) без засечек |
serif (font) | \rm | Serifenschrift / Antiqua | police romaine | romein | (шрифт) с засечками | |
slanted | \sl | slanting font style | schräg / geschrägt | oblique | schuin | наклонный (шрифт) |
small caps | \sc | uppercase letters of x-height size | Kapitälchen | petites capitales | kleinkapitaal | капитель |
spot colors | printing inks other than CMYK (e.g. Pantone) | Sonderfarben | NL: spotkleur (?) | |||
title | Titel / Überschrift | titre | titel | заголовок | ||
table of contents (toc) | Inhaltsverzeichnis | sommaire (au début)/ table des matières (à la fin) | inhoudsopgave | оглавление | ||
typewriter font | \tt | fixed-width (mono-space) characters | Schreibmaschinenschrift | police à chasse fixe | машинописный шрифт | |
uppercase | \WORD, \WORDS | Großbuchstaben / Versalien | grandes capitales/haut de casse | bovenkast | прописная буква | |
verbose | wörtlich / ausführlich | |||||
x-height | height of lower-case glyphs, like x | Mittelhöhe / x-Höhe | œil/hauteur d’x | x-hoogte |