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1,039 bytes added ,  07:31, 1 June 2009
To be continued
=== Where to find existing typescripts ===
Each of the typescripts below defines a keyword to use with <cmd>setupbodyfont</cmd>. Usually this is the same as the name of the typescript, but there is one exception (<code>antykwa-torunska</code>)
* Latin Modern (typescript name: <code>modern</code>; this is the default font set)
* Latin Modern variant (ts name: <code>modernvariable</code>; LM variable typewriter for serif)
* Postscript (ts name: <code>postscript</code>; Termes for serif, Heros for sans, Cursor for mono)
* Antykwa Toruńska (ts name: <code>antykwa-torunska</code>; only serif; defines <tt>antykwa</tt> as keyword for <cmd>setupbodyfont</cmd>)
* Iwona (ts name: <code>iwona</code>; only sans serif)
* Iwona Light, Medium and Heavy (ts names: <code>iwona-light</code>, <code>iwona-medium</code>, <code>iwona-heavy</code>; only sans; the medium variant is a small bit heavier than a "regular" one)
* Pagella (ts name: <code>palatino</code>; only serif)
* Termes (ts name: <code>times</code>; only serif, Heros for sans)
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