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140 bytes added ,  23:04, 23 March 2011
[[File:Example.jpg]]== Dotted Frames ==
Using MetaPost:
\startuniqueMPgraphic{Label} path p; p := (0,0) -- (OverlayWidth,0) -- (OverlayWidth, OverlayHeight) -- (0, OverlayHeight) -- (0,0); draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed withdots; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox OverlayBox; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[Label][\useMPgraphic{Label}] \defineframed[Text][background=Label,frame=off,location=low] \def\PictureDotPicture#1#2#3% {% \vbox to 3inplacefigure[][#3]{#2}% {% \vfilframed[align={flushleft, low},% \placefigure[left][#3 frame=off,% height=3in,% width=broad]% {% \hangindentexternalfigure[#1]% [width=0.5pt\hangafter3in,% background=1{}Label,% #2 backgroundoffset=1ex]% }% { }%}% \hskip-11ptdef\hbox to 3inDotText#1% {% \Textframed[frame=off,% { background=Label,% \externalfigure[#1][widthlocation=3inlow]% }% \hss% } {% }% #1 }% }% \starttext AAA \TextDotPicture{BBBsample/cow.pdf}{All your base are belong to us} CCC \Text{DDDSampleRef} EEE % AAA \PictureDotText{Example.pdfBBB}CCC \DotText{Caption}{RefmarkerDDD}% \stoptext
Using TikZ:


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