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437 bytes added ,  17:35, 11 February 2013
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In English, the space after some punctuation (most notably after period) is wider than a usual one; this is a standard behaviour of ConTeXt when typesetting in English. If you want to disable it, in plain TeX or LaTeX you would call <code>\frenchspacing</code>. In ConTeXt, you may say <texcode>\setuplanguage[en][spacing=packed]</texcode> instead.
Here is a nice tweak:
\vbox{\hsize 5em x. X\par x.\ X\par X. X\par X.\ X\par}
By default space after uppercase followed by punctuation is set to <code>traditional</code> which enables a somewhat special hard coded hack in the tex engine where characters with sfcodes 999 nil a following spacecode setting, even when it's triggered by a <code>\ </code>.


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