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1,375 bytes added ,  14:08, 27 May 2020
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded Javascript filter---------------------------------*/ // animate divs on startvar items = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-sections li');animate(items); // filter on clickeach('.filter-links li a', function(el) { el.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); filterLinks(el); });}); // filter links functionsfunction filterLinks(element) { // get text var el = element.textContent, // convert to lowercase linksTolowerCase = el.toLowerCase(); // if all remove all elements if (el === 'All') { // first show all view class each('.view', function(e) { e.classList.remove('view'); }); // no show init animation animate(items); } else { // if not click all remove all elements each('.view', function(e) { e.classList.remove('view'); }); } // show animation for all users on every page loadcurrent elements animate(document.querySelectorAll('.' + linksTolowerCase));};// forech arraysfunction each(el, callback) { var allDivs = document.querySelectorAll(el), alltoArr =; Array.prototype.forEach. *call(alltoArr, function(selector, index) { if (callback) return callback(selector); });};//animate functionfunction animate(item) { (function show(counter) { setTimeout(function() { item[counter].classList.add('view'); counter++; if (counter < item.length) show(counter); },50); })(0);};

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