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The ConTeXt in TeX Live 2010 is 2010.05.24 with a few small changes. ConTeXt MkII works out the box, MkIV takes a tiny bit of configuration.

The scheme-context installs collection-context and collection-metapost. This brings in quite a few font families, but we did not want to automatically install all font packages, so you may need to install a few by hand with tlmgr.

Running MkII

The English interface for both pdftex and xetex is automatically managed by fmtutil.

Enabling other MkII interfaces

If you want to enable other context language interfaces, you should use the normal TeX Live local changes system:

1. Look for the commented cont-XX lines in fmtutil.cnf. Use

 $ kpsewhich fmtutil.cnf

to find its exact location.

2. Create or edit the file $TEXMFLOCAL/fmtutil-local.cnf. $TEXMFLOCAL is something like /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local, you can use

 $ kpsewhich --expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL'

to find the exact location.

If you do not have write permissions for $TEXMFLOCAL/fmtutil-local.cnf, ask your local TeX Live system administrator to complete these steps.

3. Paste the commmented cont-'XX' you found in step one into that file, uncomment them, create a xetex copy if you want xetex formats as well, and then save the file. After this, the (new section of) $TEXMFLOCAL/fmtutil-local.cnf should look like this

 cont-de pdftex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-de.ini
 cont-de xetex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-de.ini
 cont-fr pdftex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-fr.ini
 cont-fr xetex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-fr.ini
 cont-it pdftex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-it.ini
 cont-it xetex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-it.ini
 cont-nl pdftex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-nl.ini
 cont-nl xetex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-nl.ini
 cont-ro pdftex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-ro.ini
 cont-ro xetex cont-usr.tex -8bit *cont-ro.ini

4. run

 $ mktexlsr

to make sure the file will be found by fmtutil.

5. now you can call a normal fmtutil command line like

 $ fmtutil --all

to generate the newly enabled ConTeXt MkII formats.

Running MkIV

Directly after installation and also after context-related updates to TeX Live, you will need to run

 luatools --generate


The context command will automatically generate and update the formats and the fonts cache when needed.

MkIV cache location

Context MkIV in Standard TeX Live will create the data cache in ~/.texlive2010/texmf-var; Context MkIV in MacTex will use ~/Library/texlive/2010/texmf-var. If you are unhappy with that, you can set the environment variable TEXMFCACHE to your preferred location.

ConTeXt 2010.05.24 changes

  • Because the copyright of the koeielogos and koeieletters fonts does not allow modifications, the relevant files are not included (this was also the case in previous years).
  • The files from are in the package mptopdf. The context package depends on mptopdf, so installation is automatic.
  • Mojca and Taco applied a few hot-fixes for some quite serious bugs:
    • luatools --engine=... was broken in Context 2010.05.24.
    • Due to a different texmf.cnf setup, luatools and mtxrun failed to find .lua files in the normal texmf tree.
    • mptopdf has been patched so that it does not run texexec --mptex any more: plain metapost is now the default.
    • mtxrun.dll (windows) will find texlua.exe in the directory where mtxrun.dll resides if finding it in the search path fails.
    • Context MkIV did not deal with fonts with upper case filename extensions properly.
    • The typescripts xits and stix have been added to type-otf.mkiv
    • Context MkIV did not handle directory names containing dots properly.

Updating ConTeXt

TODO: fill this in once TeXLive 2010 is actually released (See: To-Do List)