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There are two [http://modules Gantt] is a (third party) ConTeXt module for creating drawing Gantt diagrams for ConTeXt:charts via MetaPost or PGF/TikZ.
* [[Gantt]] (implemented using [[MetaPost]], '''recommended''')* [[Gantt-tikz]] (implemented using [[TikZ]])== Description ==
Both share To switch between the two drawing engines (MetaPost and TikZ) use the style option.<texcode>\usemodule[gantt][alternative=mp]</texcode><texcode>\usemodule[gantt][alternative=tikz]</texcode> The default engine is MetaPost.  Here is a short description of the environments and commands: === Gantt ===The '''gantt''' environment draws the canvas of a gantt figure.<texcode>\startgantt[...]{no of Tasks to plot}{no of time slots}</texcode>The optional argument [...] can be filled in a key=value syntax, using one or more of the following keys: * ''factor'' - MetaPost scale factor (default: 1)* ''xunitlength'' - length of one time slot (default: 1cm)* ''style'' - fontsize of labels (default: \tf)* ''titlestyle'' - fontsize of title section (default: \tfx)* ''drawledgerline'' - switch to enable/disable the drawing of horizontal ledger lines (default value: false) === Ganttitle ===This is the environment for drawing the title section.<texcode>\startganttitle (...) \stopganttitle</texcode> === Titleelement ===This draws one element of the title.<texcode>\titleelement{label}{length}</texcode> === Numtitle ===This draws a numbered sequence of title elements.<texcode>\numtitle{start number}{increment}{end number}{length of each title element}</texcode> === Ganttbar ===This draws a single, unconnected bar for representing a task.<texcode>\ganttbar[pattern=value,color=value]{label}{start}{length}</texcode>The optional comma separated arguments are: * ''<pattern>'' - TikZ pattern (e.g. north east lines (default), north west lines, crosshatch, crosshatch dots, grid, …) or see [[#Regressions | Regressions]] section for MetaPost* ''<color>'' - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray) === Ganttcon ===This draws an arrow between the bars specified by coordinates.<texcode>\ganttcon{startx}{starty}{endx}{endy}</texcode> === Ganttbarcon ===This draws a single bar and connects the bar with the previous bar for consecutive tasks.<texcode>\ganttbarcon[pattern=value,color=value]{label}{start}{length}</texcode>The optional pattern argument are the same syntax as for \ganttbar. === Ganttgroup ===This draws a bar to group tasks.<texcode>\ganttgroup{label}{start}{length}</texcode> === Ganttmilestone ===This draws a milestone using a diamond.<texcode>\ganttmilestone[color=value]{label}{start}</texcode>The optional color argument argument is: * ''<color>'' - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray) === Ganttmilestonecon ===This draws a milestone using a diamond and connects the milestone with the previous bar or milestone.<texcode>\ganttmilestonecon[color=value]{label}{start}</texcode>The optional color argument argument is: * ''<color>'' - a color of the pattern (e.g. black (default), red, green blue gray, dark gray) == Examples == === Minimal example ===<texcode>\usemodule[gantt]\setuppagenumbering[location=] \starttext \startgantt{7}{12} \startganttitle \numtitle{1}{1}{12}{1} \stopganttitle \ganttbar{a task}{0}{2} \ganttbarcon{a consecutive task}{2}{4} \ganttbarcon{another consecutive task}{8}{2} \ganttbar{another task}{2}{2} \ganttbar{another task}{4}{2} \ganttbar{another task}{4}{2} \ganttcon{4}{4}{4}{6} \stopgantt\stoptext</texcode>  === Similar example using names of calendar months ===<texcode>\usemodule[gantt]\setuppagenumbering[location=] \starttext \startgantt{3}{12} \startganttitle \titleelement{Jan}{1} \titleelement{Feb}{1} \titleelement{Mar}{1} \titleelement{Apr}{1} \titleelement{May}{1} \titleelement{Jun}{1} \titleelement{Jul}{1} \titleelement{Aug}{1} \titleelement{Sep}{1} \titleelement{Oct}{1} \titleelement{Nov}{1} \titleelement{Dec}{1} \stopganttitle \ganttbar{Task 1}{0}{2} \ganttbarcon{a consecutive task}{2}{4} \stopgantt\stoptext</texcode>  === Multiple titles with different length ===<texcode>\usemodule[gantt]\setuppagenumbering[location=] \starttext \startgantt{4}{12} \startganttitle \numtitle{2010}{1}{2012}{4} \stopganttitle \startganttitle \numtitle{1}{1}{4}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{4}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{4}{1} \stopganttitle \ganttbar{Task 1}{0}{2} \ganttbarcon{a consecutive task}{2}{4} \stopgantt\stoptext</texcode>  === Milestone example ===<texcode>\usemodule[gantt]\setuppagenumbering[location=] \starttext \startgantt{10}{12} \startganttitle \numtitle{1}{1}{12}{1} \stopganttitle \ganttbar{a task}{0}{2} \ganttbarcon{a consecutive task}{2}{4} \ganttbarcon{another consecutive task}{8}{2} \ganttmilestone[color=cyan]{Milestone with color!}{4} \ganttbar{another task}{2}{2} \ganttbar[color=cyan]{another coloured task}{4}{4} \ganttbar{another task}{4}{2} \ganttcon{4}{5}{4}{7} \ganttmilestonecon{A connected Milestone}{7} \ganttbarcon{another consecutive task}{8}{2} \stopgantt\stoptext</texcode>  === More complex example (using groups and featuresoptional arguments) ===<texcode>\usemodule[gantt]\setuppapersize[landscape][landscape]\setuplayout[scale=0.8]\setuppagenumbering[location=] \starttext \startgantt[xunitlength=0.5cm,style=\tfx,titlestyle=\tfx,drawledgerline=true]{10}{48} \startganttitle \titleelement{2009}{7} \numtitle{2010}{1}{2012}{12} \titleelement{2013}{5} \stopganttitle \startganttitle \numtitle{6}{1}{12}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{12}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{12}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{12}{1} \numtitle{1}{1}{5}{1} \stopganttitle \ganttbar{task 1}{2}{17} \ganttgroup{a group of tasks}{6}{18} \ganttbar{task 2}{5}{10} \ganttbar[color=blue]{task 3}{15}{3} \ganttbar{task 4}{20}{3} \ganttcon{15}{4}{20}{6} \ganttbar{task 5}{15}{5} \ganttbarcon[color=red]{task 6}{20}{5} \ganttbarcon{task 7}{30}{5} \stopgantt\stoptext</texcode>  == Regressions == There are no default color patterns in MetaPost. This needs to be implemented separately in order to have a pattern option in this module. As a temporary solution the [ hatching] MetaPost package is used. == See also == * [ Draw Gantt charts with TikZ]* [ A LaTeX package for drawing gantt plots using pgf/tikz]* [ Gantt Chart with TikZ] [[Category:Modules]][[Category:Graphics]][[Category:Metapost]][[Category:Sciences]]

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