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==The data­base==
The bibTEX for­mat is rather pop­u­lar in the TEX com­mu­nity and even with its short­com­ings it will stay around for a while. Many pub­li­ca­tion web­sites can ex­port and many tools are avail­able to work with this data­base for­mat. It is rather sim­ple and looks a bit like Lua ta­bles. Un­for­tu­nately the con­tent can be pol­luted with non-stan­dard­ized TEX com­mands which com­pli­cates pre- or post­pro­cess­ing out­side TEX. In that sense a bibTEX data­base is of­ten not coded neu­trally. Some lim­i­ta­tions, like the use of com­mands to en­code ac­cented char­ac­ters root in the ascii world and can be by­passed by us­ing utf in­stead (as han­dled some­what in LATEX through ex­ten­sions such as <tt style="color:rgb(0,102,102);font-size:120%;" >bibtex8</tt>).

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