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'''After [ eurotex meeting 2009],
I'm going to fix some typos here and there and
maybe expand some examples too. I estimated that around 20 September article and site will be in synch.'''
'''!! W A R N I N G !! '''
* fontforge 20090224 ✔ [[#Fontforge|here]] Useful to check symbols collision, and if one want to play with the last fontforge, eg to draw the outline of a glyph .
* R-2.8.1 with rpy2-2.0.3 (For Maurizio "Mau" Himmelman , GUIT) ✔ [[#R|here]] (someone says also [ considering-r-as-python-supplement ]) .
* quantlib 0.9.7 ✔ (need an example with output in pdf)* dbxml-2.4.16 (and sqlite) ✔ [[#dbxml|here]]
= Dedicated systems =
$HOME_LUN/sage/local/bin/python build
mkdir tests-SAGEMATH && cd tests-SAGEMATH
## I have already installed prev., I don't want mess things
For more infos, see [ here] ([ here] for python stuffs).
Under Linux installation is not difficult at all, so but in this case I choose to not create a luatex-lunatic apart, as done above for sagemath.<br/>See an example [[#ROOT| here]] .
= ConTeXt mkIV examples=This example shot how to literally embedHere I will collect some tex snippets,just to show some ideasoriginal python source code .
== Scipy ==Watch how python code <tttable> z = x*np.exp(-x**2-y**2) </tttr>is translated in lua code <tttd> z = x.__mul__( np.exp( (x.__pow__(2).__add__(y.__pow__(2))).__neg__() ) )</tt>  {| class="wikitable" |-|<texcode>
function testSCIPYtest_ROOT(figname,dpifilename)
pg = python.globals()
python.apply = python.eval('apply') or {}
np = python.import("numpy")
mlab = python.import("matplotlib.mlab")
griddata = mlab.griddata
plt = python.import("matplotlib.pyplot")
ma =
random = python.import("numpy.random")
uniform = random.uniform
-- make up some randomly distributed data npts = 200 x = uniform(-2,2,npts) y = uniform(-2,2,npts) -- z = x*nppython.expexecute(-x**2-y**2)[[ z = x.__mul__( np.exp( (x.__pow__def run(2).__add__(y.__pow__(2))).__neg__() ) ) -- define grid. xi = np.linspace(-2.1,2.1,100filename): yi = np.linspace(-2.1 from ROOT import TCanvas,2.1,100)TGraph -- grid the data. from ROOT import gROOT zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) from math import sin -- contour the gridded data, plotting dots from array import array -- at the randomly spaced data points. -- we put this in python globals space -- CS = plt gROOT.contourReset(xi,yi,zi,15,linewidths=0.5,colors='k') pg.xi = xi ; pg.yi = yi ; pg.zi = zi args c1 = python.evalTCanvas("[xi,yi,zi,15]") kv = python.eval("{'linewidthc1': 0.5 ,'colors' :'kA Simple Graph Example'}") CS = python.apply(plt.contour, args,kv) -- pg.jet = args = python.eval("[xi200,yi10,zi700,15]"500 ) kv = python.eval("{'cmap': jet}") CS = python c1.applySetFillColor(plt.contourf, args,kv42 ) -- draw colorbar plt c1.colorbarSetGrid() -- plot data points. pg.x n = x; pg.y = y 20 args = python.eval("[ x,y]") kv = python.evalarray("{'marker': 'od'), array( 'cd':'b','s':5}") CS = python.apply(plt.scatter, args,kv) plt.xlim(-2,2) plt.ylim for i in range(-2,2n ): plt x.titleappend(string0.format('griddata test (%1*i points)',npts)) --plt y.savefigappend(figname, dpi, 'white') -- pg.figname = figname ; pg.dpi = dpi args = python.eval10*sin("x[fignamei]") kv = python+0.eval("{'dpi': dpi ,'facecolor' :'white'}"2 ) CS = python.apply(plt.savefig, args,kv)end\stopluacode
gr = TGraph( n, x, y ) gr.SetLineColor( 2 ) gr.SetLineWidth( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerColor( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerStyle( 21 ) gr.SetTitle( 'a simple graph' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'X title' )\def\testSCIPY[#1]{% gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Y title' ) gr.Draw( 'ACP' ) c1.Update() c1.Print(filename)\getparameters[scipy][#1]%)\ctxlua{testSCIPY run = run("\csname scipyfigname\endcsname",filename) "\csname scipydpi\endcsname")}%end\externalfigure[\csname scipyfigname\endcsname]%}stopluacode
</texcode>|| </td><td> [[Image:Test-scipyTestsin.pngjpg|600px512px]] </td> |}</tr></table>
== Python Imaging Library We can do a bit better: separate python code from lua code .<br/>Save this in <tt></tt> (PILso it's also easy to test) ==:<pre>from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph ,TGraphErrors,TMultiGraphfrom ROOT import gROOTfrom math import sinfrom array import array
{| classdef run(filename): c1 = TCanvas("c1","multigraph",200,10,700,500) c1.SetGrid()  # draw a frame to define the range mg = TMultiGraph() # create first graph n = 24; x = array('d',range(24)) data = file('data').readlines() for line in data: line = line.strip() y = array('d',[float(d) for d in line.split()]) gr = TGraph(n,x,y) gr.Fit("wikitablepol6" ,"q") mg.Add(gr)  mg.Draw("ap")  #force drawing of canvas to generate the fit TPaveStats c1.Update() c1.Print(filename) </pre>Here file 'data' is a 110 lines file with 24 floats values space separated,ie <br/><tt> 20.6000 19.4000 19.4000 18.3000 17.8000 16.1000 16.7000 21.1000 23.3000 26.1000 26.1000 27.2000 27.8000 28.3000 28.3000 27.2000 25.6000 22.8000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 </tt>.<br/>Now a tex file, with a simple layer in lua as interface for python:{||-|<texcode>
function testPILtest_ROOT(imageorig,imagesepiafilename)
PIL_Image test = python.import("PIL.Image") PIL_ImageOps = python.import("PIL.ImageOps"'test-ROOT1') python.execute([[def make_linear_ramp(white): ramp = [] r, g, b = white for i in range(255): ramp.extend((r*i/255, g*i/255, b*i/255)) return ramp]]) -- make sepia ramp (tweak color as necessary) sepia = python.eval("make_linear_ramp((255, 240, 192))") im = -- convert to grayscale if not(im.mode == "L") then im = im.convert("L") end -- optional: apply contrast enhancement here, e.g. im = PIL_ImageOps.autocontrast(im)  -- apply sepia palette im.putpalette(sepia)  -- convert back to RGB so we can save it as JPEG -- (alternatively, save it in PNG or similar) im = im.convert("RGB")  imtest.saverun(imagesepiafilename)
\defstarttext\SepiaImage#1#2{%startTEXpage\ctxlua{testPILtest_ROOT("#1","#2data.pdf")}%\startcombinationrotate[2*1rotation=90]{\externalfigure[#1]}{\ss Origdata.}{\externalfigure[#2pdf]}{\ss Sepia}\stopcombination}  \starttext\startTEXpage\SepiaImage{lena.jpg}{lena-sepia.jpg}
</texcode> || [[Image:Test-PILROOT1.pngjpg|330px300px]]
=ConTeXt mkIV examples= ROOT Here I will collect some tex snippets,just to show some ideas. == Scipy ==This example shot Watch how to literally embedpython code <tt> z = x*np.exp(-x**2-y**2) </tt>original python source is translated in lua code <tt> z = x.__mul__( np.exp( (x.__pow__(2).__add__(y.__pow__(2))).__neg__() ) )</tt> 
function test_ROOTtestSCIPY(filenamefigname,dpi)
pg = python.globals()
python.apply = python.eval('apply') or {}
np = python.import("numpy")
mlab = python.import("matplotlib.mlab")
griddata = mlab.griddata
plt = python.import("matplotlib.pyplot")
ma =
random = python.import("numpy.random")
uniform = random.uniform
-- make up some randomly distributed data
npts = 200
x = uniform(-2,2,npts)
y = uniform(-2,2,npts)
-- z = x*np.exp(-x**2-y**2)
z = x.__mul__( np.exp( (x.__pow__(2).__add__(y.__pow__(2))).__neg__() ) )
-- define grid.
xi = np.linspace(-2.1,2.1,100)
yi = np.linspace(-2.1,2.1,100)
-- grid the data.
zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi)
-- contour the gridded data, plotting dots
-- at the randomly spaced data points.
-- we put this in python globals space
-- CS = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,15,linewidths=0.5,colors='k')
pg.xi = xi ; pg.yi = yi ; pg.zi = zi
args = python.eval("[xi,yi,zi,15]")
kv = python.eval("{'linewidth': 0.5 ,'colors' :'k'}")
CS = python.apply(plt.contour, args,kv)
pg.jet =
args = python.eval("[xi,yi,zi,15]")
kv = python.eval("{'cmap': jet}")
CS = python.apply(plt.contourf, args,kv)
-- draw colorbar
-- plot data points.
pg.x = x; pg.y = y
args = python.eval("[x,y]")
kv = python.eval("{'marker': 'o', 'c':'b','s':5}")
CS = python.apply(plt.scatter, args,kv)
plt.title(string.format('griddata test (%i points)',npts))
--plt.savefig(figname, dpi, 'white')
pg.figname = figname ; pg.dpi = dpi
args = python.eval("[figname]")
kv = python.eval("{'dpi': dpi ,'facecolor' :'white'}")
CS = python.apply(plt.savefig, args,kv)
def run(filename):
from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph
from ROOT import gROOT
from math import sin
from array import array
c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'A Simple Graph Example', 200, 10, 700, 500 )
c1.SetFillColor( 42 )
n = 20
x, y = array( 'd' ), array( 'd' )
for i in range( n ): x.append( 0.\def\testSCIPY[#1*i )]{% y.append( 10*sin( x\getparameters[iscipy]+0.2 ) )[#1]%  gr = TGraph\ctxlua{testSCIPY( n"\csname scipyfigname\endcsname", x, y ) gr.SetLineColor( 2 ) gr.SetLineWidth( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerColor( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerStyle( 21 ) gr.SetTitle( 'a simple graph' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'X title' ) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Y title' ) gr.Draw( 'ACP' ) c1.Update() c1.Print(filename "\csname scipydpi\endcsname")}%\externalfigure[\csname scipyfigname\endcsname]]) run = run(filename)end%\stopluacode}
</texcode> || [[Image:TestsinTest-scipy.jpgpng|512px600px]]
We can do a bit better: separate python code from lua code .<br/>== Python Imaging Library (PIL) == {| class="wikitable" Save this in <tt>test||</tttexcode> (so it's also easy to test) :<pre>\startluacodefrom ROOT import TCanvasfunction testPIL(imageorig, TGraph ,TGraphErrors,TMultiGraphimagesepia)from ROOT import gROOT require("python")from math PIL_Image = python.import sin("PIL.Image") from array PIL_ImageOps = python.import array("PIL.ImageOps") python.execute([[def runmake_linear_ramp(filenamewhite): c1 ramp = TCanvas("c1"[] r,"multigraph"g,200,10,700,500b = white for i in range(255): c1 ramp.SetGridextend((r*i/255, g*i/255, b*i/255)# draw a frame to define the rangereturn ramp mg = TMultiGraph(]]) # create first graph n = 24;-- make sepia ramp (tweak color as necessary) x sepia = arraypython.eval('d'"make_linear_ramp((255, 240,range(24192))") data im = file('data')PIL_Image.readlinesopen(imageorig) for line in data: line -- convert to grayscale if not(im.mode == line.strip("L") then y im = array('d',[float(d) for d in lineim.splitconvert("L")]) gr = end -- TGraph(noptional: apply contrast enhancement here,x,y) gre.g.Fit("pol6","q") mg im = PIL_ImageOps.Addautocontrast(grim)
mg-- apply sepia palette im.Drawputpalette("ap"sepia)
#force drawing of canvas -- convert back to generate the fit TPaveStatsRGB so we can save it as JPEG c1-- (alternatively, save it in PNG or similar) im = im.Updateconvert("RGB"c1im.Printsave(filenameimagesepia)end\stopluacode \def\SepiaImage#1#2{%\ctxlua{testPIL("#1","#2")}%\startcombination[2*1]{\externalfigure[#1]}{\ss Orig.}{\externalfigure[#2]}{\ss Sepia}\stopcombination}
Here file 'data' is a 110 lines file with 24 floats values space separated,
ie <br/><tt> 20.6000 19.4000 19.4000 18.3000 17.8000 16.1000 16.7000 21.1000 23.3000 26.1000 26.1000 27.2000 27.8000 28.3000 28.3000 27.2000 25.6000 22.8000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 21.7000 </tt>.<br/>
Now a tex file, with a simple layer in lua as interface for python:
function test_ROOT(filename)
test = python.import('test-ROOT1')
</texcode> || [[Image:Test-ROOT1PIL.jpgpng|300px330px]]
== ImageMagick ==
def getcurve(self,letter):
self.glname = letter
res_Array = []
res = dict()
try :
#glyph_letter = [ g for g in self.font.glyphs() if g.glyphname == self.glname][0] g = self.font[letter]
except Exception ,e :
res['err'] = str(e)
res_Array.append(res) return resres_Array cntlayer_idx = glyph_letter0; for layer_name in g.layers: layer = g.layers[1layer_name] for contour_idx in range(len(layer)): res = dict() contour = layer[0contour_idx] contour_name = res['name']= res['is_quadratic'] = cntcontour.is_quadratic res['closed'] = cntcontour.closed res['points'] = [(p.x,p.y,"%i" %p.on_curve) for p in cnt contour ] res['design_size'] = self.font.design_size res['em'] = self.font.em res_Array.append(res) return resres_Array 
def drawmpostpath(self,letter):
res_Array = self.getcurve(letter)
state = 0
paths = ''
for res in res_Array:
temp = ''
for p in res['points'] :
if p[2]=='1' :
if state == 1 :
temp = temp + '-- (%s,%s)' %(p[0] ,p[1]) ; state = 1; continue
temp = temp + '.. (%s,%s)' %(p[0] ,p[1]) ; state = 1; continue
if state == 1 : temp = temp + ' .. controls (%s,%s)' %(p[0],p[1]) ; state =2; continue
if state == 2 : temp = temp + ' and (%s,%s) ' %(p[0],p[1]) ; state =0; continue
if res['closed'] :
if state == 1 :
temp = 'draw ' + temp[2:] + " -- cycle;\n"
temp = 'draw ' + temp[2:] + " .. cycle;\n"
temp = 'draw ' + temp[2:] + ";\n"
paths = paths + temp
return paths
def getmpostoutline(self,letter):
res = self.getcurve(letter)
path = '..'.join( [str((p[0],p[1])) for p in res['points'] if p[2] == '1'] )
return path
def getmpostpoints(self,letter):
res = self.getcurve(letter)
path = [str((p[0],p[1])) for p in res['points'] if p[2] == '1']
return path
def getmpostpointsSugardrawmpostpoints(self,letter): res res_Array = self.getcurve(letter) path dots = '' for res in res_Array: temp = 'drawdot \n'.join( ["drawdot %s;" %str((p[0],p[1])) for p in res['points'] if p[2] == '1'] )+ "\n" dots = dots + temp return 'drawdot ' +pathdots
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = simpledraw("koeieletterslmmono10-regular.pfbotf") #res = s.getmpostpointsSugar('C') #print res #print s.getmpostoutline('C') print s.getcurve('e') print s.drawmpostpath('e') print s.drawmpostpoints('e') 
Next lua layer, which in this case is embed in a tex file:
 \setupcolors[state=start]  \startluacode
function testFontforge(fontfile,letter)
testoutlines = python.import("test-fontforge")
s = testoutlines.simpledraw(fontfile)
g = s.getmpostoutlinedrawmpostpath(letter) p = s.getmpostpointsSugardrawmpostpoints(letter) --print( string.format("\%s = \%s ==", letter,g )) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"\\startMPcode") tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"pickup pencircle scaled 1pt;") tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("draw \%s .. cycle;",g) ) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"pickup pencircle scaled 8pt;") tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,string.format("\%s",p) ) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,"\\stopMPcode")
And this is the result: <br/>
...ok,it's not correct (why?), but it looks funny :)
== Ghostscript ==
For the first case, we consider an implementation of eps2pdf, being ps2pdf virtually the same .<br/>
Actually there is not a python binding of ghostscript, so we build a simple wrapper
using ctypes module<tt></tt> :
=== Build the cointainer ===
First we build the container 'Data.dbxml' in the directory "wikienv" (that must exists) :
=== Make pdf ===We use this modules <tt></tt>to retrive a page, given a title (it can be also used as basis to build more complex queries, but for now it's adeguate ):
def managepara(c,res):
if c.tag == 'para' and (len(c.text.strip()) > 0is not None):
if c.tag == 'para' and (len(c.getchildren())>0):
#open('res.dbk','w').write( " ".join(res.split()) )
res = getConTeXt(title,res)
return res except Exception,e: print "error on read:" ,e fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) lockfile.close() def writeres(title,preamble,postamble,filename):  res = getArtitleByTitle(title=title) if res is not None : res = res.replace('&',r'\&') res = res.replace('#',r'\#') else: res = '' open(filename,'wb').write( '\n'.join((preamble,res,postamble)) )  pass if __name__ == '__main__':  preamble = r"""\usetypescriptfile[type-gentium]\usetypescript[gentium]\setupbodyfont[gentium,10pt]\setuppapersize[A5][A5]\setuplayout[height=middle,topspace=1cm,header={2\lineheight},footer=0pt,backspace=1cm,margin=1cm, width=middle]\starttext"""  postamble = r"""\stoptext"""   title="Primary mathematics/Numbers" filename = 'res.tex' writeres(title,preamble,postamble,filename)</pre> And in the end mkiv wrapper:<texcode>\usetypescriptfile[type-gentium]\usetypescript[gentium]\setupbodyfont[gentium,10pt]\setuppapersize[A5][A5]\setuplayout[height=middle,topspace=1cm,header={2\lineheight},footer=0pt,backspace=1cm,margin=1cm, width=middle]  \startluacodefunction testdbxml(title,preamble,postamble,filename) require("python") pg = python.globals() wikiversity = python.import("wikidbxml_queryTxn") wikiversity.writeres(title,preamble,postamble,filename) end\stopluacode \def\testdbxml[#1]{%\getparameters[dbxml][#1]%\ctxlua{testdbxml("\csname dbxmltitle\endcsname","\csname dbxmlpreamble\endcsname", "\csname dbxmlpostamble\endcsname","\csname dbxmlfilename\endcsname")}%\input \csname dbxmlfilename\endcsname %}   \starttext\testdbxml[title={Primary mathematics/Numbers}, preamble={}, postamble={}, filename={testres.tex}]\stoptext</texcode> Here here the result: <table class="wikitable"> <tr><td></td> <td>[[Image:Dbxml-1.png]]</td></tr><tr><td>[[Image:Dbxml-2.png]]</td> <td>[[Image:Dbxml-3.png]]</td></tr></table> One can also use sqlite that comes with python to query for titles <tt>category.db</tt>made from (for example) <tt>enwikiversity-20090627-category.sql</tt>,so reports are more simpler:just put this in python code above, right before 'if __name__' ...:<pre>import sqlite3def querycategory(title): conn = sqlite3.connect('category.db') c = conn.cursor() t = (title,) c.execute('select cat_title from category where cat_title like "%%%s%%" ;' % t) res = [row[0] for row in c] conn.commit() c.close() return res  def simplereports(title): res = querycategory(title) j = 0 for r in res: g = r.replace('_',' ') print g title= g.encode('utf8') filename = 'reps%04d.tex' % j writeres(title,'','',filename) j = j+1 return j </pre> Similary, add this to tex code<texcode>\startluacodefunction listtitles(title) require("python") pg = python.globals() wikiversity = python.import("wikidbxml_queryTxn") r = wikiversity.querycategory(title) local j = 0 local res = r[j] or {} while res do local d = string.format("\%s\\par",string.gsub(tostring(res),'_',' ')) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,d) j = j+1 res = r[j] endend\stopluacode  \startluacodefunction simplereports(title) require("python") pg = python.globals() wikiversity = python.import("wikidbxml_queryTxn") r = wikiversity.simplereports(title) local j = tonumber(r) for v = 0,j-1 do local d = string.format("\\input reps\%04d ",v) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,d) end print( j )end\stopluacode</texcode>
def writeres(title,preamble,postamble,filename):  res = getArtitleByTitle(title=title) res = res.replace('&',r'\&')and test it with
open(filename,'wb').write( '\n'.join((preamble,res,postamble)) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
preamble = r"""\usetypescriptfile[type-gentium]
\setuplayout[height=middle,topspace=1cm,header={2\lineheight},footer=0pt,backspace=1cm,margin=1cm, width=middle]
postamble = r"""\stoptext"""
title="Primary mathematics/Numbers"
filename = 'res.tex'
And in the end mkiv wrapper:
\setuplayout[height=middle,topspace=1cm,header={2\lineheight},footer=0pt,backspace=1cm,margin=1cm, width=middle]
function testdbxml(title,preamble,postamble,filename)
pg = python.globals()
wikiversity = python.import("wikidbxml_queryTxn")
\ctxlua{testdbxml("\csname dbxmltitle\endcsname","\csname dbxmlpreamble\endcsname",
"\csname dbxmlpostamble\endcsname","\csname dbxmlfilename\endcsname")}%
\input \csname dbxmlfilename\endcsname %
{\testdbxml[title={Primary mathematics/Numbersbfb Query for 'geometr':}, preamble=\ctxlua{listtitles("geometr")},% postamble={}, filename=\ctxlua{testres.texsimplereports("geometr")}]%
Here here the result: <table class="wikitable"> <tr><td></td> <td>[[Image:Dbxml-1(query results are stored in reps0001.png]]</td></tr><tr><td>[[Image:Dbxml-2tex ,reps0002.png]]</td> <td>[[Image:Dbxml-3tex ,.png]]</td></tr></table>.and so on.)

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