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== Quickstart {{note|Releases of Debian (or any other distribution for that matter) usually contain way too old TeX distributions for ConTeXt MKIV (but should work fine for MKII). If you want to live on bleeding edge, consider using the packages from Debian/unstable, [[ConTeXt Standalone]], or at least install the impatient ==latest version of [[TeX Live]] with [[TLContrib]] manually.}}
(all done as root) If you have == Install the tetex ConTeXt packages, get rid of them:==
apt-get --purge remove tetex-{extraThe status of ConTeXt in Debian/unstable is currently up to date with TeX Live 2021,docand includes all the necessary bits and pieces,bin,base}plus the modules shipped in TeX Live.
Add these lines to your <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>:  deb <nowiki></nowiki> context/ deb-src <nowiki></nowiki> context/ Then install the packages:  apt-get update apt-get install texlive lmodern cm-super texlive-fonts-recommended \ context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree Read on for the details. == Use TeXLive packages == The context packages depend on [ TeXLive], so if If you are using the running Debian teTeX packages (e.g. see whether <tt>tetex-base</tt> is installed by doing <code>dpkg -l tetex-base</code>), it's time to change to TeXLive. You'll have to do so eventually since teTeX 3.0 will be the last upstream release of teTeX. If not now, when? If you are switching from teTeX, it's important to <b>purge</b>, not just remove the <tt>tetex-*</tt> packages before installing the TeXLive packages. Otherwise the teTeX configuration files, including those in <tt>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/</tt> and <tt>/etc/texmf/fmt.d/</tt>, will haunt the system like a ghost. To purge:  apt-get --purge remove tetex-{extra,doc,bin,base} The full directions for using TeXLive are at sid or[[Debian TeXlive install]]later, though if you are brave you can just try:  apt-get update && apt-get install texlive Once you've installed then the basic packages, you'll need a few extras:  apt-get install lmodern cm-super == Check for shadowing formats and macros == These installation instructions describe a system-wide install. But individual users may have followed the old directions on this page and (sorry!) made a per-user ConTeXt installation. Those will shadow the system-wide install. If that's what they want to do, no problem.  But if they want to use the system-wide install (recommended except for those who are testing Hans's latest versions...), then there are two issues. The first issue is old format files. If a user has format files in <tt>~/.texmf-var/web2c/<i>engine</i></tt> where <i>engine</icode> is typically <tt>pdfetex</tt>, then these will shadow the ones installed by the context package. So the user should delete the ConTeXt-related ones, such as <tt>cont-*.fmt</ttcode>, <tt>mptopdf.fmt</tt>, and <ttcode>metafun.mem</tt>. To find them, the user can do:  kpsewhich contcontext-en.fmt or kpsewhich -engine pdfetex cont-en.fmt (and similarly for the other formats). Run it from a 'typical' directory (e.g. <tt>~modules</ttcode>), rather than from <tt>~/.texmf-var/web2c/pdfetex/</tt> (adjust for your engine), otherwise it will find the newly created formats before any others even if they are not shadowing anything else. The second issue is the ConTeXt macros. If a user has installed them a directory that shadows <tt>/usr/share/texmf</tt>, then they will packages should already be found rather than the system-wide ones. So move the shadowing context installations out of the wayvisible. The user can check with  kpsewhich cont-new.texThen do
and make sure that it's not finding any (until you do the system aptitude update aptitude install context context-wide install, of course).modules
== Install * The final version in debian bullseye (aka debian stable 11.2) is 2020.03.10.20200331-1* In ''unstable'' is a version that is from the ConTeXt packages ==TeX Live 2021
Norbert Preining has produced reliable, complete ConTeXt packages for Debian, and they use very recent versions of ConTeXt (as of this writing, which is 2007.01.05, the === Install latest package has the 2007.01.02 version of ConTeXt). Here's how to use them. Add these two lines to your /etc/apt/sourcesunstable context .list :  deb <nowiki></nowiki> context/ deb-src <nowiki></nowiki> context/ Then dopackage ===
apt-get update apt-get install context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree<tt>unstable</tt> means ''(mature) development'', the version number may changes. The software is ''stable''
and apt will 1. Download the two .deb-s and install the latest ConTeXt
If you don't like the warnings about the GPG key, do this 2. run as yourself root (if you are happy to the version number might have increased a bit) trust the chain of trust; insert usual signingdpkg --install context_2021.03.05.20220211-1_all.deb mtxrun --key disclaimers here):generate
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x09C5B094run as user gpg --export --armor 0x09C5B094 | sudo apt mtxrun -key add -generate
[<tt>0x09C5B094</tt> was the key listed in one Step 2. is currently still necessary, but soon an update of Norbert Preining mail signatures. The <code>sudo</code> adds the key tex-common will run mtxrun --generate automatically when packages have changed (like mktexlsr), and there will be no need to apt's key listrun this anymore.]
== Finished! ==Step 3. needs to be done only when you have files in TEXMFHOME or you change things there.
That should do itYou have now a system wide context-installation! The output of <code>ctxtools --contextversion</code> is hopefully like this:
<code> CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.02 13:44 (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/context.tex) CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.02 13:44 (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex)</code>== See also ==
The long path to <tt>context.tex</tt> and <tt>cont-new.tex</tt> show where the system thinks the context macros are installed. Make sure your installation is finding those versions!{{Installation navbox}}
See also the [[Debian TeXlive install]] page.


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