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In Plain-TeX there is the command \proclaim which is very handy when writing mathematics and stating theorems, lemmas, definitions and so on. Unfortunately it doesn't allow one to number automatically these statements in order to refer to them through cross referencing, and somehow it has disappeared from ConTeXt.

If one wishes to number all these ‘proclaimations’, regardless of type and in the order in which they appear, here is a solution which works very well in ConTeXt Mark II. (For a solution with Mark IV see below.)


%% defining an enumeration environment replacing Plain-TeX's \proclaim
	right={. }]
\setupnumber[proclaim][way=bysection, numbersection=yes] %% this can be changed according to one's wishes
%% end definition \proclaim

\title{On proclamations}
When there is not a declared section, the numbers have no prefix as in the following:

This is a definition.

This is a lemma.

\section{Here is a section}

When there is a declared section, the numbers have as prefix the section number, as in the following:

Here is another lemma.

This is our main theorem.

\section{Here is another section}

When there is a declared section the numbers have as prefix the section number, as in the following:

Here is an elementary lemma.

This is a corollary.

Note that we can refer to our results in the following way: according to the definition \in[def:test] we see that theorem \in[thm:result] is
 an easy consequence  of  lemma \in[lem:resultB].


In Mark IV there is another solution which consists in defining first a certain ‘enumeration’ (in the example below for Remarks) and then use the counter created for this enumeration in other enumerations such as lemmas, theorems, etc.

% mode=mkiv


	prefixsegments=section] % or prefixsegments=chapter:section

	counter=remark, % only use counter of remark


\title{First and only title of the article}

This file has been typeset 
on \currentdate{} 
at \currenttime, 
	LuaTeX version \the\luatexversion,
	LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision,
	(LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp),
	using the command: \par
	\type{context basic-test.tex}\par}
	using the command: \par
	\type{texexec basic-test.tex}\par}
	ConTeXt version \contextversion.
Here we don't have any section.

This is a silly remark.

This is a deep theorem.

This is a silly remark.

This is a deep theorem.

\section{This is a section}

Here we do have a section.

This is a silly remark.

This is a deep theorem.

This is a silly remark.

This is a deep theorem.

As mentioned in remark \in[rem:silly], the result of theorem \in[thm:deep] is trivial.


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