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Pages in category "Command/Graphics"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- Command/anchor
- Command/basegrid
- Command/bitmapimage
- Command/bleed
- Command/clip
- Command/composedcollector
- Command/copypages
- Command/definecollector
- Command/defineexternalfigure
- Command/definegraphictypesynonym
- Command/definescale
- Command/figuresymbol
- Command/filterpages
- Command/grid
- Command/includesvgbuffer
- Command/includesvgfile
- Command/insertpages
- Command/marking
- Command/mirror
- Command/MPcode
- Command/MPdrawing
- Command/MPvar
- Command/position
- Command/processMPbuffer
- Command/rotate
- Command/scale
- Command/setcollector
- Command/setupbleeding
- Command/setupcollector
- Command/setupexternalfigure
- Command/setupexternalfigures
- Command/setupscale
- Command/startMPcode
- Command/startMPdrawing
- Command/startMPenvironment
- Command/startMPinclusions
- Command/startpagefigure
- Command/startreusableMPgraphic
- Command/startstaticMPfigure
- Command/startuniqueMPgraphic
- Command/typesetbuffer
- Command/useexternalfigure