Command/ startdelimitedtext

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\startdelimitedtext ... \stopdelimitedtext


The instances of \startdelimitedtext ... \stopdelimitedtext wrap some markup around a (usually short) block of text.


\startquotation ... \stopquotationUnlike \quotation, \quote, and \startquote, \startquotation sets its contents off in their own, slightly narrower paragraph. It differs from \startnarrower in that it also places quotation marks at the beginning and end of its contents.

The argument left, right, or middle respectively specify that the paragraphs should be narrower on the left, the right, or on both sides.

\startquote ... \stopquoteBy default, \startquote behaves the same as \quote.
\startblockquote ... \stopblockquote
\startspeech ... \stopspeech
\startaside ... \stopaside

Settings instance

\startDELIMITEDTEXT[...][...,...] ... \stopDELIMITEDTEXT
[...,...]inherits from \startnarrower


These instances are defined by \definedelimitedtext and set up with \setupdelimitedtext. But there are also two predefined shortcut commands, so you can set up the \startquote environment with \setupquote and \startquotation with \setupquotation.


Example 1

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    \setupindenting[yes, small]
    \setupquote[color=red, left=«, right=»]
    As we were clad only in hats and shoes the snake had a distinct advantage,
    of which, for some reason, it did not make use; it just lay there and
    looked at us, while we discussed its capture in whispers and without moving.
    \startquote There's a bit of string in my trousers pocket, \stopquote\ said Bob, helpfully.
    \quote{All right, I'll nip back and fetch it. You keep an eye on the snake.}
    \rightaligned{--- Gerald Durrell, {\it Three Singles to Adventure}}

Example 2

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    This is how \quotation{Watership Down}, by Richard Adams, starts:
        The primroses were over. Towards the edge of the wood, where
        the ground became open and sloped down to an old fence and a
        brambly ditch beyond, only a few fading patches of pale
        yellow still showed among the dog's mercury and oak-tree
        roots. On the other side of the fence, the upper part of the
        field was full of rabbit-holes.


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