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2,158 bytes added ,  18:35, 3 July 2012
moved Talk:ConTeXt Bundle for TextMate to Talk:TextMate: More obvious page name
(so that the do not get lost before integrating them into the bundle) --[[User:Mojca Miklavec|Mojca]] 02:55, 28 January 2008 (CET)
== inclusions for lua (as for metafun) ==
== support more engines (--lua) and other preferences ==
Bundles -> LaTeX -> Preferences
(hmmm ... it even supports texexec :)
(check how LaTeX does different things through menus)
== implement metafun syntax & autocomplete ==
== autocomplete ==
on HTML and implement the same for ConTeXt (try to figure out how to implement that with less ''S''-es).
== add texshow's help ==
Parse XML (or some other form) natively, without the need for web version (or both) and display html window.
== [opt+R] on projects ==
Any chance to compile the main file when the file starts with \component?
== scroll down in the log window automatically ==
(and blink or something if compilation fails)
Edit Commands/typeset.tmCommand to include
== add support for automatic open after [opt]+R ==
== add support for a different ConTeXt tree ==
== parse_texexec_outputdocument creation of autocomplete scripts == == weird tab completions == How does one use this one? <nowiki>\date ${1:[${2:...,...=...,...}]}[${3:...,...,.rb ..}]$4</nowiki> Also, it would be nice to:* be able do completion as \definesomething [...] [...]* use sensible names instead of dots where possible (maybe misusing italic is possible) \externalfigure [file][...,...=...,...]* have the endings: \stopsomething for example (cloned from HTML):  <nowiki>#!/usr/bin/env ruby doc = STDIN.readline = ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER'].to_iline_index = ENV['TM_LINE_INDEX'].to_i if ENV.has_key? 'TM_INPUT_START_LINE' then line = ENV['TM_INPUT_START_LINE'].to_i line_index = ENV['TM_INPUT_START_LINE_INDEX'].to_iend before = /(.*\n){#{line-1}}.{#{line_index}}/.match(doc)[0] #before.gsub!(/<[^>]+\/\s*>/i, '') # remove all commentsbefore.gsub!(/[%].*/, '') stack = [ ]before.scan(/\\(start|stop)([a-zA-Z]+)/) do |m| if m[0] == 'start' then stack << m[1] else until stack.empty? do close_tag = stack.pop # print ">>#{close_tag}" break if close_tag == m[1] end endend if stack.empty? then %x{ osascript -e beep &>/dev/null & }else print "\\stop#{stack.pop}"end</nowiki> == disable smart typing \& comments after backslash == clone from LaTeX bundle (maybe it could be simply inherited yrom TeX somehow?) == more possibilities for tab-completion == when there are optional parameters, offer all of them for tab-completion and offer their descriptions (see how it's implemented in CSS) =Unicode bundle * browse (by name/description/code) and insert unicode glyphs* help about the character under cursor
* remove <nowiki>str.gsub!("\n", "<br>")</nowiki>* add <nowiki>str = str.gsub(/^.*Insecure world writable dir.*?\n/, '')</nowiki>Graphical =
*Replace <nowiki>str = str.gsub(/(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/, "<a href='txmt://open?url=file://#{dir}/#{file}&line=\\2'>\\1:\\2:\\3</Is it possible to have a>")</nowiki>graphical menu with <nowiki>str = str.gsub(/(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/, "<a href='txmt://openmath symbols for example?url=file://#{dir}/\\1&line=\\2'>\\1:\\2:\\3</a>")</nowiki>else errors point to wrong locations in case of project structure.
= Won't fix =
(comments by [[User:Patrick Gundlach|Patrick]])
== refresh viewer ==
Can't get this to work on my machine (tiger, power pc, german ui)
open -a ${PDF_VIEWER:=Preview} "${pdf}"
= Fixed in 0.7 =
== parse_texexec_output.rb ==
* remove
<nowiki>str.gsub!("\n", "<br>")</nowiki>
* add
<nowiki>str = str.gsub(/^.*Insecure world writable dir.*?\n/, '')</nowiki>
<nowiki>str = str.gsub(/(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/, "<a href='txmt://open?url=file://#{dir}/#{file}&line=\\2'>\\1:\\2:\\3</a>")</nowiki>
<nowiki>str = str.gsub(/(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/, "<a href='txmt://open?url=file://#{dir}/\\1&line=\\2'>\\1:\\2:\\3</a>")</nowiki>
else errors point to wrong locations in case of project structure.
== $$ pairs ==
\\item $0
== inclusions for lua (as for metafun) ==
as well as support for --lua switch
== implement metafun syntax & autocomplete ==
== autocomplete ==
on HTML and implement the same for ConTeXt (try to figure out how to implement that with less ''S''-es).
== add texshow's help ==
Parse XML (or some other form) natively, without the need for web version (or both) and display html window.
== [opt+R] on projects ==
Any chance to compile the main file when the file starts with \component?
== scroll down in the log window automatically ==
and blink or something if compilation fails
== add support for automatic open after [opt]+R ==
== add support for a different ConTeXt tree ==
== document creation of autocomplete scripts ==

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