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There ought to be a better way to adjust the distance between the text and footnotes in these examples. The cleanest way is to reset the page height, but when I tried to do that with \setuplayout[height=1in], I got "internal error: gs failed" in place of the figure. The current method -- a \vskip, preceeded by an \hskip so that the \vskip doesn't get eaten by TeX's discarding of vertical glue at the top of the page -- is rather a bit of a hack, but it seems to work. --Brooks 23:20, 22 Aug 2005 (CEST)

What about \strut\vfill? Mojca
That seems to work quite well; thanks! It still seems a little like a hack compared to making a small page (and I wonder why that doesn't work), but it's much cleaner. I've removed the HowTo box. --Brooks 19:00, 3 Sep 2005 (UTC)

I can't get the promised "footnotes in footnotes in footnotes" to work; see this example:

This\footnote(Or that\footnote{Or possibly even the other\footnote{Though that's two words,
rather than one.}.}, if you prefer.} is a sentence with a footnote.  

Is that a ConTeXt problem, or a Wiki problem, or have I maybe just made a typo? Is there a workaround?

--Brooks 19:24, 3 Sep 2005 (UTC)

The author of this entry is looking for a solution for the described problem. (See: How to?)

The original version of the "alternate footnote locations" section contained the text "It is possible to place footnotes as endnotes or as marginals ((someone please add an example!))." I can't find any references to placing footnotes as marginals in my manual -- there are marginal notes, yes, but these don't get footnote numbers. Am I missing something, or was the previous comment in error? --Brooks 20:02, 3 Sep 2005 (UTC)

The footnotes in floats section illustrates what seems to be a ConTeXt-in-Wiki bug. Note that the top line of the table is thinner, apparently due to being partly cut off. If I remove the \strut before the \starttable, it goes away completely. If I place some text, e.g. the letter a, in front of it, it's fine (but, of course, there's an "a" in front of the table!). --Brooks 20:24, 3 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Footnotes and Columnsets interact badly

When I have a columnset with footnotes, they always end up being covered by some of the column. How would I go about either reserving some space for the footnotes or placing them in the footer area instead of the text area?

The author of this entry is looking for a solution for the described problem. (See: How to?)

Why are there two approaches to footnote line spacing?

There are two different approaches for changing the lead of the footnotes without changing the leading from the body text in this very same page.

A first approach is mentioned in Changing footnote interlinespace, which seems more clear and logical to me.

A second approach, which seems incomplete (it is even mentioned there that "it is not obvious, but this is the code you need to use" is mentioned at Line Spacing, within the Special Needs section. It seems a bit hackish and unclean, but I'm not the one to judge - I'd bet someone new to ConTeXt won't even know ho w to use this code snippet.

And that's why I'm adding this subject instead of editing the page directly, as am not sure why are two approaches to this in the first place.